334-625-8515   100 North Union St. Suite #732 Montgomery, AL 36104


The ALIEEP framework starts with active listening to determine what would be needed or how to improve from various perspectives. This type of research drove us to pursue an innovative solution linking the teacher shortage in the United States and the teacher surplus overseas. reducing this imbalance in education increases global workforce improvement,  which coincides with our mission of multilingual and multicultural education.


ALIEEP continues to research the enhancement of international education environments and global workforce development. Such efforts are founded on developing robust programs that directly and indirectly benefit all relevant stakeholders. Our program development is based on principles of BUD (Bridge of Unity in Diversity). We don’t just develop a good program; we deliver, establish, and execute it excellently.


As we develop tangible programs, we collaborate with the best agencies worldwide. ALIEEP partners with Alabama public universities, K-12 local schools, state agencies, legislators, and governments domestically and internationally. Our programs are based on activity-driven and student-centric, utilizing authentic teaching and learning content. Most importantly, we build character and instill respect in all students and teachers, young and old.


We advocate equal representation, equal treatment, and opportunities for our educators. Equal pay with equal qualification, equal benefits with equal performance, and equal opportunities for equal promotion. ALIEEP supports equal civil rights from the birthplace of civil rights to the world. ALIEEP offers continuous support for all our alumni and associates. ALIEEP‘s advocacy extends beyond friends and local community partners to a greater global network.