334-625-8515   100 North Union St. Suite #732 Montgomery, AL 36104

* PRS K-Wave Afterschool Field Trip

PRS K-Club has successfully completed its first field trip. A total of ten club students and a chaperone participated. The transportation was provided by my car and the chaperone’s
vehicle. We left school at 3:40 on March 21st and visited the Korean Association, which we had arranged to visit at 4:00, to say hello. We met Ms. Kang Eun Kim, Secretary of the
General of the Korean Association. She was very nice and warmly welcomed us. After the Korean Association, we went to a Korean Market called SEOUL Market, where the club
members shopped for Korean products like Korean snacks, drinks and candies. Lastly, the club students tasted delicious Korean chicken at a ‘ bb.q’ Korean restaurant. It was very
good! We returned to school at 5:45 after a fun trip. All the K-club students enjoyed the trip, and this gave them an opportunity to practice and observe the Korean language and culture they are learning.